Wednesday 12 August 2015

Colour Poem


Black is the feeling you get while attending a funeral.
Black smells like freshly laid tar.
Black sounds like the dark clouds rustling on a stormy night.
Black tastes like crispy burnt toast


Yellow is the bright colour of a flashing rainbow
Yellow smells like loosely dangling banana
Yellow sounds like wobbling jello

Tastes like a freshly squeezed sour lemon

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bottom half of Fantasy Story

And he said come this way to your cell it's ten o'clock at night and I think you should be getting some sleep here we are have a good sleep Bye!
I open up my phone and the alarm was still going then it started glitching, then outta nowhere a prisoner opened the cell door and then lead me to a portal on my creeping amongst the wall. I stand up exactly where I was when I woke up “What happened” I whisper to myself I then continue my day as I would.

The End, M8!

 Top half of story

Monday 27 April 2015

Anzac post

Imagine you were a Doctor or Nurse during the war, Brainstorm what you see, smell, hear and you experience?

See: Blood, missing limbs, bullet shells, fighting, rats/lice.

Smell: Sewer, rubbish, gunpowder.

Hear: Gunshots, shouting, explosions, vehicles.

Experience: I deal with alot of things but nothing compares to what I have seen in the war, I had to run around and pull in soldiers from the loud banging crash that was called war, I get soaked in pounds of blood of wounded soldiers. It was a long time but it was a good experience.

Wednesday 25 March 2015


There was a boy named Lee
He liked to pee
He fell,
Into a well
Then he got stuck in a tree.